Aside from the huge workload, I have Choir Club on mondays, Drama Club on tuesdays, Drama Practice on wednesday and a Swim meeting on thursday. I don't know what to do! I have two clubs and two sports. I hope I can still pull off swimming. I really love it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Well I Haven't Posted in a While
I just got back yesterday from a week and a half in the glorious state of Maine! And within the twenty-four hours of being back, I have fixed my new bed up (it's a loft bed!), unpack everything, rotate my clothes for the change of seasons and haven't eaten much. Since we've been gone for about two weeks, we have no food except condiments here. I had a juice pouch for breakfast and am currently munching on tortilla chips and salsa for lunch. TASTY.
I highly recommend that all of you who have not seen Julie & Julia go see it now. It was an astounding book and an even better movie. It made me think hard and realize things I hadn't realized before.
I got my schedule for my Sophomore year last week! I still can't believe that I'm a Sophomore! But I have an awesome roster with only two bad teachers!
Here we goes:
- Italian 1 with Ms. Walker (She's supposed to be tough, but a great teacher.)
- English II Honors with Ms. MacArthur (She's so creepy. And apparently she sucks.)
- European History AP with Mr. Hung (The best. He's replacing the VERY best though)
- PE/Health with Ms. StClair (Better than her brother!) AFRO with Mr. Jackson (good one)
- Chemistry with Mr. Patton (He's as good as it gets!! The best teacher for Chem)
- LUNCH! 6th lunch is the best lunch of the day! I had it last year!
- Geometry with Ms. Weatherly (Terrible. She's supposedly the worst)
The best news of all is that I got bumped up an Advisory!!! I'm no longer in Hell!!!!!!!!!
That's all for now! Toodles.
Monday, August 10, 2009
______ Will Be Accepting the Injury of the Month Award
So. We have this door in our kitchen that leads out to a back room that has gardening jazz in it. I opened the door and it hit my big toe causing the nail to pop off. Then it began to bleed like crazy. Right now we have dunked my foot in ice water, taken 800mg of ibuprofen and now it's throbbing. All I want to know is why is it always me that gets hurt?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
At Camp Discovery, all is awesome. We're {staff} all chilling out in the Lodge, where we sleep chatting, snacking and nothing in particular. It's the best. We had a pretty nasty lightning storm where all the kids would scream while we watch the camp theme movie, Kung Fu Panda. For dinner was the traditional sunday night Thanksgiving Dinner! Turkey, stuffing, potatoes and everything. We don't go hungry here.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Potter, Mushroom, Mushroom!
I have an awesome "twin" who scored us some pre-premiere tickets of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I am so excited!! We leave in about two hours and the movie starts at midnight!! I've been rereading the book since Saturday and I've got about 200 pages to go. I'm currently planning on finishing it while we wait in line for 2+ hours. But she says that there is a Ben & Jerry's near there so we're gonna get ice cream and wait amongst the common folk of us Potter Heads. I hope I stay awake!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My Hand.
So, as of right now, my hand has a bruise. On the bruise is a burn. In the burn is a cut. Surrounding the mess is a rash from latex medical tape. Damn I'm a mess.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Clean, Clean and Clean!
So this weekend I have cleaned my room. Almost 100%. The closet of doom is the cleanest it has been since we moved years ago. The result, a 30 gal. trash bag and more filled with garbage, 10+ paper bags of recycling, a full vacuum bag and some nasty headaches. It's so worth it.
Oh, and my burn? Well, from this cleaning excursion, it has pealed, gotten a paper cut and has a very unpleasant welt underneath. We'll be getting better in the weeks to come.
Friday, July 3, 2009
One Week Out.
So far it has only been about a weeks worth of summer vacation, but for me it's been a year. With only a week out so far I have:
- Seen Les Miserables
- Gone swimming twice
- Burnt my face via the sun
- Burnt my hand via oven
- Had a bbq
- Been to Lancaster
- Been to Delaware, twice
- Seen both sides of my family
- Messed up my room
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Managed to...

<- See??
So I managed to burn my hand today. On a convection oven while getting a personal pizza out for the boy I was watching. It kind of looks like something out of power rangers where it would give me magical powers of some sort. Alas, no magical powers, only pain, swelling and tenderness. Hooray.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Pressure Cooker
I believe that everyone should go see "Pressure Cooker", a documentary about a culinary class at Frankford High School in Philadelphia. It was really good and I knew many of the places that were filmed!
I Believe Summer Has Officially Begun.
Spending the last few days in Lancaster has really made summer feel like summer. We saw Les Miserables on Friday night, which was amazing. Then once we left the theater, there were fireworks!! Saturday we were up bright and early to go cherry picking, we got 30 lbs, had a party for the new Doctor of Lancaster and then baked the evening away! Sunday was full of acapella singing at a Mennonite church, such a lovely sound. The Family reunion was rather nice for once! We had name tags, which was a MAJOR help! I was able to play a few rounds of knock-out, won ultimate frisbee and lost a good bit of four square. I brought along Galileo and had no idea how much of my family enjoyed ukulele music! One relative got a video of me playing on his phone. With all the food, fun, and family, I didn't want to return to Philadelphia, but whatever. Hope this week is just as good.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
And the World's Largest Nerd Award goes to...
It's settled. I am the worlds largest nerd/geek/dork. The day after school ends, I go back in and help around the MG office. I filed hundreds of papers and "cleaned" one of Ms. H's drawers. Truthfully, I want to go back tomorrow. Laura's been saying that Ginny+Central=Harry+Hogwarts, and I'm glad to say I think that that's true. Each day something comes along making me love Central more and more. If only I could stay all summer....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Oh lordy. Summer's here.
WOW. A whole year. An entire year without my "precious" Masterman. I did it! And you know what? I kicked ass at Central. I'm officially a sophomore. With an awesome 3.82 GPA! It's really nice. My awesome history teacher gave me a ride home after I had helped out in the holy MG Office, and I felt really special. She knows I have major confidence issues, and said that some day I will see myself as the world does. Telling me that people think I've changed into a beautiful woman and that I have so many talents. I wish I could see myself like that. I know I'm talented, but I mean. Seriously, I'm not the #1 confidence person. I'm like #_________(fill in with a rather large number). But school's done and I can't do crap about it. Oh well, hello summer?
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