Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well I Haven't Posted in a While

I just got back yesterday from a week and a half in the glorious state of Maine! And within the twenty-four hours of being back, I have fixed my new bed up (it's a loft bed!), unpack everything, rotate my clothes for the change of seasons and haven't eaten much. Since we've been gone for about two weeks, we have no food except condiments here. I had a juice pouch for breakfast and am currently munching on tortilla chips and salsa for lunch. TASTY.

I highly recommend that all of you who have not seen Julie & Julia go see it now. It was an astounding book and an even better movie. It made me think hard and realize things I hadn't realized before.

I got my schedule for my Sophomore year last week! I still can't believe that I'm a Sophomore! But I have an awesome roster with only two bad teachers!
Here we goes:
  1. Italian 1 with Ms. Walker (She's supposed to be tough, but a great teacher.)
  2. English II Honors with Ms. MacArthur (She's so creepy. And apparently she sucks.)
  3. European History AP with Mr. Hung (The best. He's replacing the VERY best though)
  4. PE/Health with Ms. StClair (Better than her brother!) AFRO with Mr. Jackson (good one)
  5. Chemistry with Mr. Patton (He's as good as it gets!! The best teacher for Chem)
  6. LUNCH! 6th lunch is the best lunch of the day! I had it last year!
  7. Geometry with Ms. Weatherly (Terrible. She's supposedly the worst)
The best news of all is that I got bumped up an Advisory!!! I'm no longer in Hell!!!!!!!!!

That's all for now! Toodles.

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